3 Jun 2014

The little shiny ring

Hey hey dear and beloved :) Another weekend has passed and a new week has begun :) I'm starting this week with news and happiness, and the prettiest surprise  and most beautiful event ever in my life.There are certain steps and certain moments in life that bring us great joy which every woman expect. Certainly the material things  can bring their joy, but they brig us a brief joy and not comparable with the soul joy that you can be given by  your loved ones . Because these moments define our life and are invaluable because nobody will ever be able to take them back. One of these moments and beautiful stages, is the little shiny ringie , which is given to a woman, through the most beautiful request .... and I guess you already know what I mean. "Would you be my wife?" Is the question that most women expect and dreams to respond too. We imagine the time, the place, the music, the atmosphere, the people who will be there, but we can not imagine the emotions and feelings you feel in such moments. Yes! I received the small, shiny ring, and is now my favorite jewel, not only because it is exactly as I  dreamed it, but for what it represents:)... I will not say more, I let you see the perfect moment and beautiful surprise :)
Hey hey dragele si dragii mei :) Un alt weekend a trecut si o noua saptamana a inceput :) Incep aceasta saptamana cu  noutati si bucurii,si  cea mai frumoasa surpriza si cel mai frumos eveniment de pana acum, din viata mea. Exista anumite etape si anumite momente in viata care ne aduc o imensa bucurie si pe care le asteapta oricare femeie. Cu siguranta lucrurile materiale ne pot aduce si ele bucuria lor, dar acestea ne aduc o bucurie de scurta durata si care totusi nu se poate compara cu bucuria sufleteasca pe care ti-o poate darui persoana iubita si oamenii dragi din viata noastra.  Pentru ca aceste momente ne definesc viata si sunt nepretuite, deoarece nimeni nu va putea sa le ia inapoi vreodata. Unul dintre aceste momente si etape frumoase, este reprezentat de inelusul micut si stralucitor care ii este daruit unei femei prin cea mai frumoasa cerere....si cred ca stiti deja despre ce vorbesc :) " Vrei sa fii sotia mea?" Este intrebarea la care majoritatea femeilor, asteapta si vizeaza sa raspunda. Ne imaginam momentul, locul, muzica, atmosfera, persoanele care ne vor fi alaturi, dar nu putem sa ne imaginam emotiile si sentimentele pe care le simtim in astfel de momente. Da! Eu am primit acel micut si stralucitor inel, si acum este bijuteria mea preferata, nu numai pentru ca este exact asa cum il doream, ci mai ales pentru ce reprezinta el :).... nu am sa spun mai multe, ci am sa va las vedeti  minunatul moment :D 
Thank you my love, for this amazing,beautiful and perfect moment!! 

Thanks to Bijuteria Athena for the beautiful and lovely ring.

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