13 Sept 2015

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak

Hello dears!! Again the time passed so fast and my last post was some time ago too, but I changed some things in my life and I needed a break. My life is always a surprise and that is why I love life. 
My birthday just passed and today I feel like a new life begun for me... new place....new hair color...new clothes...new shoes...new jewelry... new style. 
My favorite gift is love. The happines of having close people who loves me, and whom I love   because they make my days beautiful.
Today I wanted to try something different, to combine my style with a new one. I think my little sister inspires me, she is also very good for fashion blog and I think that soon we will can see her too on the blog... I have a new idea and soon you will be able to see it, untill than, here are the new photos. 

"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." —Rachel Zoe

ZARA t-shirt (on me) HM t-shirt (on my sister)

carpisa bag

ZARA belt (from Dress & go)
ZARA shoes 

Dr. Martens shoes ( my sister) 

Alcott skirt

28 Jun 2015

Geometric patterned skirt

It was a beautiful day, especially becauase the sun is shining and  I love when it is so hot and the sky is simply amazing, looking like an infinte ocean.That s why the beautiful weather insipred me and  I chose to wear this geometric patterned skirt, which I found at zara, and which I warmly recommend you to try and buy because is not only beautiful and good looking but is also very comfortable and easy to match. You can wear it with heels or sport shoes, with a t-shirt or just a simple and elegant white shirt. I felt to wear it with this very high heels yellow sandals and a very simple black short t-shirt, which I have to say it s a new thing for me because I m not used to wear so short clothes, but this year are in trend and I started to like.
This is also a way to show you how you can be elengant and well dressed without emptying the piggy bank.

zara skirt (buy it here)

earings H&M

zara sandals (buy here)

H&M t-shirt

22 Jun 2015

Fusta sau Pantalon

De cate ori noi femeile ne trezim si nu stim cu ce sa ne imbracam? de cate ori stam in fata dulapului si atingem fiecare haina intrebandu-ne ”sa iau asta?sau asta? fusta? sau pantaloni?” Poate am gasit o rezolvare la aceste intrebari, iar asta pentru ca anul acesta moda a re-adus in trend fusta-pantalon. 
Mereu am fost fan pantalonilor largi cu talie inalta, care ajuta orice tip de silueta sa para mai inalta si care  definesc bine talia.

Fusta-pantalon e o piesa vestimentara usor de asortat si de puratat cu orice tip de bluza sau camasa. Daca doriti sa fie accentuata talia va recomand sa purtati fusta-pantalon cu o camasa sau bluza bagata in interior si daca chiar vreti puteti folosi chiar si o curea care sa accentueze si mai mult talia.

Eu m-am indragostit de aceasta fusta- pantalon de la LOVE LONDON. Ador imprimeul si textura materialului extrem de comod si mai ales usor de asortat.

In curand va voi arata o alta varianta de fusta-pantalon intr-o alta combinatie de culori si material si model.

See you next time!

Balerini ZARA

Accesorii LA SUPERBA

8 Dec 2014

Perle sub umbrela

Am sperat ca voi avea parte de un weekend  insorit, dar nu a fost asa.  Dupa o saptmana gri, noroasa si umeda, chiar simteam nevoia  unui weekend plin de soare, un soare "cu dinti" ce-i drept ,dar macar era lumina:) Mi-e destul de greu uneori sa ma mobilizez cand afara ploua. Umbrela, geanta, manusi, telefon :) ...da jos manusile, tine umbrela, umbla cu grija sa nu te stropesti....hmmm  complicat!
Dar in ciuda vremii nefavorabile unei plimbari comode, tot nu m-am dat batuta.
       O tinuta eleganta, dar si comoda. Pantaloni clasici cu tenta masculina,negri, o camasa alba cu o bluza tricot alb si negru peste (italian style) . Sunt un mare fan al esarfelor, dar de aceasta data am ales un guler de blana pe care l-am prins de gulerul paltonului...improvizatie! Dar rezultatul este cel dorit :)  Gata de plecare! ...adaug perlele, lantisorul cu piramida , manusile si am plecat....

...Oh! Umbrela!! ...era sa uit ca ploua!

Palton MAX & co

Pantaloni Calliope

Bluza F&F

Accesorii H & M

Camasa Sisley

16 Nov 2014

Negru nu este plictisitor

Imi aduc aminte de perioada liceului cand obisnuiam sa port haine negre zilnic. Intotdeauna am fost un mare fan al hainelor negre. Creaza un aer misterios si  elegant  mai ales daca au un croi simplu, geometric fara prea multe accesorii. Multe ar putea considera o tinuta in intregime neagra plictisitoare, dar sa stiti ca amestecarea diferitelor texturi poate crea un outfit foarte placut vizual, elegant  si curat. Consider ca elemetele aurii pot da un plus de eleganta unui outfit in intregime negru. Outfit-ul acesta imi da un plus de confidenta si pe langa faptul ca ma simt foarte bine este si foarte confortabil. Va recomand sa optati pentru tinute negre mai ales in acele zile cand va veti trezi lipsite de insipiratie. Sunt usor de realizat si cu siguranta nu veti gresi. O bluza neagra simpla cu o pereche de pantaloni negri in stil masculin sau chiar blugi negri, sau dece nu o fusta tip creion si o pereche de stiletto negri  vor salva acele zile lipsite de idei vestimentare.

Pantaloni  Patrizia Pepe 

Poseta camoscio ,primita cadou :) Multumesc R.

Botine Zara 
 Accesorii H & M